When planning to give your home a little makeover, one of the biggest factors in your decision making is none other than your budget. Flooring is often the most expensive material in your home, and upgrading it usually entails large expenses. This is the reason why homeowners prefer to spend their money on paintings or furniture pieces to improve the looks of their home.
Good thing that there are now flooring solutions that address this challenge. Vinyl flooring is becoming a more and more popular choice among homeowners today. Aside from keeping your budget intact, this can also make your floor look beautiful and stunning.
However, before you start shopping for materials, it is important to make yourself aware first of the good and bad sides of vinyl flooring to avoid regrets in the end.
The Pro’s
- Pricing – As mentioned earlier, vinyl flooring is priced fairly to accommodate even the tightest budgets. This way, you can allot your budget on other areas of your interior design.
- Installation – Probably one of the biggest benefits of vinyl flooring is that this can be installed almost anywhere. Most of the time, you can even install it over your existing floor. It can then help you save money on hacking & demolition fees. This eliminates the need to repair your existing floor or tearing it out, which again translates to money savings.
- Sturdiness – Vinyl flooring can perform exceptionally well even in kitchens where moisture is usually present. You can expect that this can last for a long time and remain sturdy after several years. Since vinyl is softer compared to wood or tiles, this is also perfect for families with young kids and pets.
- Appearance – Vinyl flooring designs are getting nicer and more modern every year. You can now find one that looks like real stones or tiles, and some might even make it difficult even for the most observant eyes to identify if the floor is vinyl or not.
The Con’s
Despite newest trends and latest improvements on vinyl flooring, the materials vulnerability to withstand scratches and abrasions due to sharp items remains a puzzle to solve for. As though this vinyl is made of durable materials, scratches and abrasion will still depend as to how it is being taken cared of by the people dwelling in the place.